Rapid Incident ResponseiCAL Export

Event Date 04-03-2025 8:30 am
Event End Date 04-03-2025 4:00 pm
Cut Off Date 04-03-2025 6:00 pm
Capacity 15
Registered 0
Available Place 15
Created By Gregor Simenc
Geolocation: emea
Type of event: sales
Location Cisco Office Munich

Spring Forward with Cisco Networking & Security

The Cisco Rapid Incident Response Workshop focuses on simplifying security operations and enhancing the capabilities of Security Operations Centers (SOC) through the utilization of Cisco's Extended Detection and Response (XDR) solution.


This interactive, hands-on session will demonstrate a comprehensive exhibition of the XDR platform, focusing on the integration of telemetry from both native and third-party control points, streamlining investigations, and reducing the time from incident detection to response. Cisco XDR is designed to deliver greater efficacy and return on investment by connecting a broad range of security tools, including network, cloud, endpoint, email, and identity sources. Additionally, participants will see how XDR leverages threat intelligence from Talos to enrich incidents with context and insights, enabling the detection and response to sophisticated threats.


Participants will learn how Cisco XDR enables:

• the automation of tasks

• proactive threat hunting

• AI-driven guidance to enhance analyst efficiency and speed.


Additionally, the workshop provides insights into the integration capabilities of Cisco XDR with other security solutions, including third-party offerings, and the use of customizable playbooks for automating repetitive tasks. The goal is to empower analysts with the necessary tools and information to take decisive action, ultimately simplifying security operations and fortifying defenses against advanced threats.


As a bonus, we are going to close the session with a short, guided demo of Secure Access (Security Services Edge / Modern Zero Trust) focusing on basic deployment concepts and available functionality outcomes.


Cisco Secure Access is an enterprise-grade, cloud-delivered security solution, grounded in zero trust, that enforces modern cybersecurity, while radically reducing risk and pleasing both end-users and IT staff. By providing seamless and secure access from anything to anywhere, it enables a frictionless end-user experience, lowers risk with tighter security and granular controls, and simplifies IT operations.


We will have time for some Q&A as well.


Morning Agenda:


Arrive and get logged in:     8:45 - 9:00AM

Introduction to Cisco XDR:     9:00 - 9:30AM

Workshop Exercises        9:30 - 11:30AM

Q/A and closing remarks     11:30 - 12:00PM

Lunch                12 - 12:30PM

Secure Access Demo        12:30 - 1PM

Event Date 04-15-2025 8:45 am
Event End Date 04-15-2025 3:15 am
Cut Off Date 04-15-2025 9:45 am
Capacity 50
Registered 9
Available Place 41
Created By Andrew Nguyen
Workshop Length in Hours 4
Geolocation: amer
Type of event: sales
Location DMACC | Urban Campus

Cisco | PDT | RIR Workshop

You are invited to join us for an
exhilarating Threat Hunting Workshop.

We will kick off the day with lunch, and then you will participate in a hands-on lab. Dive into real-world scenarios and see how Cisco XDR streamlines incident response.

This workshop guarantees a mix of education, excitement, and engaging content.

Hope to see you there!

Event Date 04-16-2025 12:00 pm
Event End Date 04-16-2025 4:00 pm
Cut Off Date 04-16-2025
Capacity 20
Registered 0
Available Place 20
Created By Evan Barratt
Location PDT Office

Please login to register for this event

Des Moines RIR Workshop

You’re invited to attend our Rapid Incident Response Workshop. Get hands on experience with the Cisco XDR platform!

Defend against lateral cybersecurity attacks such as Ransomware

Effectively detect and neutralize threats before they damage your assets

Reduce Mean Time to Remediation from weeks to minutes


Big Grove Brewery & Taproom

555 17th Street, Des Moines, IA 50309

Tuesday, April 22th @ 9:30-1pm CDT

Workshop Registration Link:  Register Here



Deep Dive into Cisco XDR

Gain hands-on experience with advanced technology that empowers defenders. Discover how Cisco XDR integrates data from your environment for enhanced visibility and threat intelligence.

Live Threat Scenarios

Immerse yourself in real world threat scenarios crafted by industry experts. Feel the adrenaline rush as you uncover hidden threats lurking in your network and learn how to swiftly respond using Cisco XDR's advanced detection capabilities.

Master Class in Threat Triage

Enhance your threat hunting skills with expert advice on scoping and prioritizing threats. Discover

effective strategies to quickly contain and remediate incidents, reducing damage and restoring

normal operations.

Networking and Collaboration

Connect with cybersecurity professionals to share insights, exchange best practices, and build

valuable connections that enhance your cybersecurity skills beyond the workshop.

Exclusive Insights from Cisco Experts

Gain insights from Cisco's cybersecurity experts on trends, threats, and best practices.

Event Date 04-22-2025 8:00 am
Event End Date 04-22-2025 3:00 pm
Cut Off Date 04-22-2025 3:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 0
Available Place 30
Created By Dave Bush
Workshop Length in Hours 4
Geolocation: amer
Type of event: sales
Location Big Grove Brewery and Taproom

Rapid Incident Response Virtual Workshop - Healthcare

Rapid Incident Response with Cisco Extended Detection & Response (XDR)

🎯 Mission Briefing: Kick off your adventure with a hands-on lab designed to enhance your investigation and incident response expertise.

🌐 Defend against sophisticated APTs with Cisco XDR: Learn how to empower your teams to go from endless investigation to remediating the highest priority incidents with greater speed, efficiency, and confidence. We will explore how to:

· Identify patterns and correlations in threat activity with root cause and attack chain analysis

· Leverage machine learning to prioritize incidents based on risk and impact

· Elevate productivity with automation and guidance

🍽️ Refuel and Recharge: All that work sure works up an appetite! Join us for lunch to seize networking opportunities within the cybersecurity community and cultivate valuable connections.

Event Date 04-24-2025 11:00 am
Event End Date 04-24-2025 3:00 pm
Cut Off Date 04-24-2025 3:00 pm
Capacity 20
Registered 0
Available Place 20
Created By Lynnette Montgomery
Workshop Length in Hours 4
Geolocation: amer
Type of event: marketing
Webex URL https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/j.php?MTID=m75589def27d64904404836414d7c285e
Location Virtual

The event was cancelled. We are not longer accepting registration

Rapid Incident Response Virtual Workshop

Rapid Incident Response with Cisco Extended Detection & Response (XDR)

🎯 Mission Briefing: Kick off your adventure with a hands-on lab designed to enhance your investigation and incident response expertise.

🌐 Defend against sophisticated APTs with Cisco XDR: Learn how to empower your teams to go from endless investigation to remediating the highest priority incidents with greater speed, efficiency, and confidence. We will explore how to:

· Identify patterns and correlations in threat activity with root cause and attack chain analysis

· Leverage machine learning to prioritize incidents based on risk and impact

· Elevate productivity with automation and guidance

🍽️ Refuel and Recharge: All that work sure works up an appetite! Join us for lunch to seize networking opportunities within the cybersecurity community and cultivate valuable connections.

Event Date 04-24-2025 11:00 am
Event End Date 04-24-2025 3:00 pm
Cut Off Date 04-24-2025 3:00 pm
Capacity 20
Registered 0
Available Place 20
Created By Lynnette Montgomery
Workshop Length in Hours 4
Geolocation: amer
Type of event: marketing
Webex URL https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/j.php?MTID=m75589def27d64904404836414d7c285e
Location Virtual

RIR Virtual Workshop - Commercial East

🎯 Mission Briefing: Kick off your adventure with a hands-on lab designed to enhance your investigation and incident response expertise.

🌐 Defend against sophisticated APTs with Cisco XDR: Learn how to empower your teams to go from endless investigation to remediating the highest priority incidents with greater speed, efficiency, and confidence. We will explore how to:

· Identify patterns and correlations in threat activity with root cause and attack chain analysis

· Leverage machine learning to prioritize incidents based on risk and impact

· Elevate productivity with automation and guidance

Event Date 05-07-2025 11:00 am
Event End Date 05-07-2025 3:00 pm
Cut Off Date 05-23-2025
Capacity 30
Registered 0
Available Place 30
Created By Mindy Schlueter
Geolocation: amer
Type of event: sales
Location Virtual

Rapid Incident Response (RiR) with Cisco XDR (Location Berlin)

Rapid Incident Response (RiR) with Cisco XDR Workshop 


Starten Sie ein aufregendes Cyber-Abenteuer, um schwer erkennbaren Angreifern mit komplexen Angriffen auf die Spur zu kommen. Nehmen Sie die Mission an, um zu erleben, wie die Cisco Breach Protection genutzt werden kann, um Sicherheitsvorfälle schnell zu erkennen, zu priorisieren und darauf zu reagieren. Dabei werden die KI-gesteuerten und automatisierten Fähigkeiten genutzt, um Sicherheitsoperationen zu optimieren und die Effizienz der Security Operations Center (SOC)-Teams zu steigern.


Bei dieser eintägigen Veranstaltung im Cisco Büro Ihrer Nähe entdecken Sie - begleitet vom Cisco Security Team - die Bedeutung des “SOC of the Future“.


Auftanken und Aufladen: All diese Arbeit macht garantiert Appetit! Besuchen Sie uns zum Mittagessen, um die Netzwerkmöglichkeiten innerhalb der Cybersicherheits-Community zu nutzen und wertvolle Verbindungen zu pflegen.  


Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Cyber-Profi oder ein Anfänger sind, dieser Workshop garantiert eine Mischung aus Bildung, Spannung und ansprechenden Inhalt. Ergreifen Sie die Chance, verbessern Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten und lassen Sie keine Bedrohung unentdeckt. Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz und gehen Sie mit einem klaren Plan, den Sie zu Ihrer Organisation zurückbringen können. 


Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt. Reservieren Sie Ihren Platz gerne schon heute. 


Vielen Dank,  


Ihr Cisco Security Team 

Event Date 05-14-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 05-16-2025 11:00 pm
Cut Off Date 05-16-2025 10:00 am
Capacity 40
Registered 1
Available Place 39
Created By Michael Goetze
Workshop Length in Hours 8
Geolocation: emea
Type of event: sales
Location Cisco Office Berlin

Cisco Security Probefahrten – Technik zum Anfassen

Rapid Incident Response (RIR) mit Cisco XDR Workshop 


In der heutigen digitalen Welt stehen Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, effizientere und reaktionsfähigere Lösungen zur Bedrohungserkennung, Untersuchung und Abwendung zu finden. Ausgeklügelte Angriffe, oft unterstützt durch künstliche Intelligenz (KI), eröffnen neue Angriffsvektoren und erfordern innovative Sicherheitsstrategien. 


Zeigen Sie den Angreifern die kalte Schulter! 


Die Cisco Breach Protection Suite bietet ein umfassendes Threat Detection, Investigation, und Response (TDIR) System, das mit dem Cisco-Portfolio und ausgewählten Drittanbieter-Tools integriert und interagiert. Mit dieser Suite erleben sie die Wirksamkeit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Erfahrung, einer marktführenden TDIR-Umgebung, gegen komplexe Angriffe. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Technologien wie KI wird die Genauigkeit erhöht, Fehler werden reduziert und Konsistenz in den SOC-Prozessen sichergestellt. 


Rapid Incident Response mit Cisco XDR: 


Erleben Sie ein spannendes Cyber-Abenteuer, bei dem Sie schwer erkennbaren Angreifern mit komplexen Angriffen auf die Spur kommen. Nehmen Sie die Mission an, um zu erfahren, wie die Cisco Breach Protection Suite genutzt werden kann, um Sicherheitsvorfälle schnell zu erkennen, zu priorisieren und darauf zu reagieren. Der Workshop zeigt, wie KI-unterstützte und automatisierte Fähigkeiten die Sicherheitsoperationen optimieren und die Effizienz der Security Operations Center (SOC)-Teams steigern. Optimierte Arbeitsabläufe, entwickelt von SOC-Analysten, ermöglichen eine schnelle und effektive Reaktion auf Vorfälle, sodass Ihr Team Bedrohungen mit Zuversicht begegnen kann. 


Bei dieser eintägigen Veranstaltung im Cisco Büro Ihrer Nähe entdecken Sie - begleitet vom Cisco Security Team – erleben Sie die Bedeutung von Rapid Incident Response. 


Auftanken und Aufladen: All diese Arbeit macht garantiert Appetit! Besuchen Sie uns zum Mittagessen, um die Netzwerkmöglichkeiten innerhalb der Cybersicherheits-Community zu nutzen und wertvolle Verbindungen zu pflegen. 


Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Cyber-Profi oder ein Anfänger sind, dieser Workshop garantiert eine Mischung aus Bildung, Spannung und ansprechenden Inhalt. Ergreifen Sie die Chance, verbessern Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten und lassen Sie keine Bedrohung unentdeckt. Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Platz und gehen Sie mit einem klaren Plan, den Sie zu Ihrer Organisation zurückbringen können. 


Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist begrenzt. Reservieren Sie Ihren Platz gerne schon heute. 


Vielen Dank,  

Ihr Cisco Security Team 


*Diese Probefahrt ist ideal für Sicherheitsanalysten aller Erfahrungsstufen, einschließlich Sicherheitspersonal, Incident-Responder und Bedrohungsjäger. Erleben Sie Lösungen, die von SecOps-Profis für SecOps-Profis entwickelt wurden! 

Event Date 06-04-2025 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-06-2025 11:00 pm
Cut Off Date 06-05-2025 11:00 pm
Capacity 40
Registered 0
Available Place 40
Created By Dennis Weber
Workshop Length in Hours 8
Geolocation: emea
Type of event: sales
Location Cisco Office Frankfurt

RIR Workshop Virtual - Commercial East

🎯 Mission Briefing: Kick off your adventure with a hands-on lab designed to enhance your investigation and incident response expertise.

🌐 Defend against sophisticated APTs with Cisco XDR: Learn how to empower your teams to go from endless investigation to remediating the highest priority incidents with greater speed, efficiency, and confidence. We will explore how to:

· Identify patterns and correlations in threat activity with root cause and attack chain analysis

· Leverage machine learning to prioritize incidents based on risk and impact

· Elevate productivity with automation and guidance

Event Date 06-11-2025 11:00 am
Event End Date 06-11-2025 3:00 pm
Cut Off Date 06-27-2025
Capacity 30
Registered 0
Available Place 30
Created By Mindy Schlueter
Geolocation: amer
Type of event: sales
Location Virtual